Dare to innovate
In order to continuously improve and advance our ways of doing and training we develop and implement innovative projects in the field of training. We therefore coordinate or participate in strategic partnerships under Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ programme. These projects are innovative in various fields:
STET - Slow-Tourism & E-Tourism
Equal opportunities and social inclusion of women
Blended Learning
Service Learning & Social utility
Health and prevention of psychological problems
Tolerance and diversity
Help for immigration
Mobility of people with disabilities
Basic skills of young entrepreneurial learners
Soft skills through pathway links
Sector skill alliance in thermalism and spa
Osengo Europe projects
We are currently coordinating 3 projects and participating in 4 others. In the past, we have also collaborated with our European partners on the recognition of acquired competences, the development of the implementation of the ECVET system and the sharing of good practice.
Train VET teachers to transform existing trainings into a blended learning or create blended learning trainings
Project Duration: 24 months – from 01/09/2020 to 31/08/2022
Countries involved
- France – OSENGO
- Italy – Euroform RFS
- Germany – Wisamar
- Norway – Fonix SA
- Lituania – EuTrade
BlendedVET, aims at creating an online, flexible training for VET trainers who are willing to combine face to face and online instruction modalities. Blended learning has become a widespread teaching modality, especially in K-12 and higher education. The project will be an answer towards helping VET teachers to transform existing trainings into blended learning or create blended learning trainings. More specifically, we aim to provide VET trainers with examples of existing blended learnings to inspire them, to give them methodology and guidance for developing their own blended learning based on their trainings they deliver. For this purpose, we will create a learning package in blended learning (so trainers can directly experience the methodology while creating their own content) and a training model which will allow to implement the teacher training in all VET centres and on any topics.
Creation of pathway links prior to training entry to qualify and then increase the skills needed for training entry. More generally, the assessment and development of trcross-cutting skills through an assessment matrix composed of 12 axes and 4 levels.
Project duration: 24 months – from 01/09/2019 to 31/08/2021
Partners- Osengo by Aformac
- GRETA Lorraine Centre
- GIP FCIP de l’académie de Versailles
- GRETA des métiers et des techniques économiques 93
- Centre de ressources illettrisme et maîtrise langue (CDRIML)
- CAFOC de l’académie de Nantes
The Pro-Women project aims to promote equal opportunities and social inclusion of low skilled and/or unemployed women by providing tools for their training and empowerment. Taking as a sector of intervention the tourism sector.
Project duration: 24 months – from 01/09/2019 to 31/08/2021
Partner countries
- Italy
- Cyprus
- Germany
- Spain
- France
Development of course modules around the theme of tourism and self-entrepreneurship as well as an “Atlas” serving as a red thread for the experimentation. It is a kind of tourist guide for 4 circuits in a given place and elaborated by the women following the experiment. It is a participatory learning pathway to strengthen their skills and to acquire new ones (including key skills), with the final aim of increasing their employability in the tourism sector.
Experimenting with the application of the “Service Learning” concept in vocational training. We want to increase the social utility of VET through this project. Service Learning allows the inclusion of concrete examples in the training pathway, through immersions in structures of public utility in order to acquire transversal or professional skills.
Project duration: 24 months – from 01/09/2019 to 31/08/2021
Partner countries
- Italy
- Poland
- Bulgaria
- Spain
- Portugal
- France
The project aims to develop, test and fine-tune an educational model
educational model for all school levels, from kindergarten to high school,
focused on service learning, an essential moment in the transition from
The project aims to develop, test and fine-tune an educational model for all school levels, from kindergarten to high school, focusing on service learning, which is an essential moment in the transition from knowledge to life skills and know-how. This process will ensure the formation of
citizens capable of acting critically and facing the new challenges of a changing
challenges of the changing global society.
3 specific objectives : – To establish or strengthen cooperation between VET providers from other European countries in order to exchange experiences. – To develop local partnerships between learning institutions, enterprises and intermediary organisations – Raise awareness on issues such as: social inclusion, non-discrimination and equity.
Project duration: 24 months – from 01/09/2019 to 31/08/2021
Partner countries- Italy
- Poland
- Spain
- Ireland
- France
This project aims to give basic tools to young people who wish to embark on a professional adventure. It is in addition to professional skills to enable them to understand the administrative, financial, and communication steps necessary with the professional skills to create a business.
Project duration: 24 months – from 01/09/2019 to 31/02/2021
Partner countries
- France
- Bulgaria
- Greece
- Spain
The LiNT project aims to improve the basic skills of young learners, specifically those likely to create their own business. The aim is to understand their needs but also the needs of the trainers in order to offer them adequate tools to increase their basic skills and improve their insertion in the labour and/or entrepreneurial market.
Design of transnational curricula and training contents in the wellness and spa tourism sector. Five transnational modular programmes will be developed on the basis of learning outcomes for EQF 4 learners and employees.
Project duration: 36 months – from 01/10/2020 to 31/09/2023
Partner countries- Italy
- Bulgaria
- Latvia
- Serbia
- France
- Netherlands
- Greece
- Slovakia
The aim of the project will be to develop online, blended and distance learning that will enable teachers and educators to support (while teaching) their students with mental health problems. Teachers and educators will be able to provide high quality inclusive support to students using digital content such as innovative online resources and tools. Teachers will be able to develop tailored solutions that adequately address local challenges and realities.
Project duration: 24 months – from 01/03/2021 to 31/02/2023
Partner countries- Germany
- Italy
- Spain
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- France
Bringing a “Zero Waste” awareness in hotel and kitchen training
Project duration: 24 months – from 01/11/2021 to 31/10/2023
Partner countries
- France
- Italy
- Bulgaria
- Greece
- Lithuania
We intend to propose a new study programme based on concrete actions for zero waste in the hotel and restaurant sector. It will be a collection of methods on zero waste actions in the hotel and catering industry gathered in a guide. These methods/examples will be developed from examples collected in each partner country, thus contributing to a bottom-up learning experience.
From this collection of examples we will develop course modules, a pedagogical methodology and test the whole on an online Moodle platform.
Creating thematic workshops for adults with literacy problems to increase their basic skills and their professional integration.
Project duration: 24 months – from 01/11/2021 to 31/10/2023
Partner countries
- France
- Austria
- Spain
- Sweden
- Italy
The project proposes to create thematic workshops for illiterate adults. The idea is that through manual productions (wood, clay, etc.) or everyday life gestures (cooking, care, etc.) the target group can increase their basic skills and get out of a situation of illiteracy. The aim is to provide them with a first work experience that is accessible to their level and allows them to work on their initial skills through experience and to develop them in order to access vocational training or a qualification later on.
This will increase their chances of integration and will eventually enable them to join an integration enterprise, a training course leading to a qualification in construction/personal care, to start an initial training process or even to enter the labour market directly.
The main objective of manual activities is not to discover trades or sectors of activity. The aim is to approach the areas and sub-areas of skills in a transversal manner.
We will create :
A study circle (peer learning and design experience) will lead to the creation of the toolbox of the skills map and explanatory interview tips.
A skills map in terms of specific indicators and descriptors to assess a person doing the literacy workshops on the skills map.
A WIFI workshop. It will contain the creation of several in-situ workshop exercises taking into account the 8 basic key competences of the EU.
A model based on 4 workshops of manual production (wood, clay, etc.) or daily life skills (cooking, care, etc.) containing specific curricular activities and exercises targeting illiteracy.
Supporting diversity and tolerance in VET
Project duration: 24 months – from 01/11/2021 to 31/10/2023
Partner countries
- France
- Italy
- Germany
- Greece
- Ireland
- Romania
- Spain
DESTINE targets teachers, trainers, educators, providers and staff in VET. The project foresees the creation of e-learning programmes on diversity and tolerance in the VET sector. The idea is to integrate the challenges of diversity and tolerance into digital and online learning programmes.
We will create :
A learning platform that will contain educational material on tolerance and diversity methods, implemented in traditional classrooms and how this material could be transferred into online modules.
Innovative activities, tools and teaching methods for diverse and tolerant learning in the e-learning environment.
A toolkit containing all the material produced on diversity tolerance methods and techniques in the virtual classroom.
Adapting VAE to a migrant public through a mobile application.
Project duration: 24 months – from 01/02/2022 to 31/01/2024
Partner countries
- France
- Italy
- Spain
- Greece
- Germany
The massive presence of immigrants in Europe is a well-known phenomenon that is growing every year. Their professional and social inclusion is often a difficult problem to solve. Often, the lack of validation of qualifications, diplomas or professional experience of adult immigrants prevents them from achieving their full potential and integrating into society. Several European countries and institutions are already using VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience) methodologies for the recognition and validation of competences.
However, the methodologies currently used in Europe differ at several levels: each of them is applied in a different way according to specific national, regional and local needs and legislation.
Based on a comparative study of best practices in VAE methodology, the main objective of the project is to create a new VAE methodology, specifically adapted to the immigrant category, which will allow operators and beneficiaries to manage the whole process of recognition and validation at a distance. The recognition and validation process will cover three main areas
1) Educational and academic qualifications;
2) vocational training
3) Professional experience.
Technology skills transfer and digital innovation.
(Project not yet launched, little information available to date)
Project duration: 24 months – from 01/02/2022 to 31/01/2024
Partner countries
- Spain
- France
- Italy
- Portugal
- Cyprus
Create two workshops for adults lacking computer skills to increase their basic skills in this sector and provide them with a computer and allow them to follow online courses offered by training centers.
Project duration: 24 months – from 01/10/2022 to 31/09/2024
Partner countries
- France
- Italy
- Germany
- Austria
- Bulgaria
- Spain
- Cyprus
The proposal of the Digit4all project is to survey the trainees on their lack of equipment and/or skills in a first step, then to allow them to choose a computer and to help them to install free software including the operating system (Linux).
Afterwards, we would like to offer them a workshop to initiate them to the basic functions of this new environment and to the free office suite in order to reduce the illiteracy of this fraction of the trainees. The objective of these training modules will be to enable them to use the necessary software to be able to use the e-learning and job search platforms, make spontaneous applications, write and answer emails or create their CV. In this way, we also want to increase their employability and enable them to be equipped for their job search, which is now entirely digital and also requires a computer. These actions promote innovative methods and tools for training, learning and assessment as drivers of progress in lifelong learning, based on free and open software.
For those who have a fully functional computer, we will only offer them the free software installation modules and the discovery of the basic functions. For those who have an obsolete hardware, slowed down by a heavy system like Windows, we will propose them to switch to a lighter and free operating system.
The whole project contributes to the strengthening of the computer equipment and skills of a niche target group, to the initiation and development of the use of free software and to the preparation for digital education, needs highlighted by the recent Covid crisis.
We will create:
A guide with animation techniques for the public also containing the state of play of digital illiteracy and computer needs in each country.
A positioning test on digital skills, including an analysis of computer and personal equipment needs.
Training modules
An explanatory module on the choice of a computer and its components and the points to watch out for.
A procedure to install Ubuntu (Linux) and Open Office on any functional computer.
4 training modules in 4 areas (information retrieval / communication / problem solving / software use, etc.)
A methodology for the implementation of workshops and equipment for digital skills in free and open source computing
A report on the implementation and experimentation of the workshops in the partner countries.
A list of associations or places to buy second-hand computers in each partner country.
An analysis of the impact and increase in the digital skills of the candidates
Our projects at a glance
European programme : ERASMUS + – Year 2017 – Identification : 2017-1-en01-ka102-035880 – Beneficiary : Osengo
European programme : ERASMUS + – Year 2018 – Identification : 2018-1-en01-ka102-046457 – Beneficiary : Osengo
European programme : ERASMUS + – Year 2019 – Identification : 2019-1-en02-ka205-015974 – Beneficiary : Osengo
European programme : ERASMUS + – Year 2019 – Identification : 2019-1-en01-ka102-061683 – Beneficiary : Osengo
European programme : ERASMUS + – Year 2019 – Identification : 2019-1-en01-ka201-063174 – Beneficiary : Osengo
European programme : ERASMUS + – Year 2019 – Identification : 2019-1-it02-ka204-063176 – Beneficiary : Sansat
European programme : ERASMUS + – Year 2019 – Identification : 2019-1-it01-ka202-007790 – Beneficiary : Fortes
European programme : ERASMUS + – Year 2020 – Identification : 2020-1-en01-ka202-079830 – Beneficiary : Osengo
European programme : ERASMUS + ka3 – Year 2020 – Identification : 30072020-621401-epp-1-2020-1-bg-eppka2-ssa – Beneficiary : Itpio
European programme : ERASMUS + KA2 – Year 2020 – Identification : 2020-1-DE02-KA226-VET-008072 – Beneficiary : TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET DRESDEN
European programme : ERASMUS + – Year 2021 – Identification : 2021-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000026081 – Beneficiary : Osengo
European programme : ERASMUS + – Year Année 2021 – Identification : 2021-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000024799 – Beneficiary : Osengo
European programme : ERASMUS + – Year 2021 – Identification : 2021-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000032921 – Beneficiary : Osengo
European programme : ERASMUS + – Year 2021 – Identification : 2021-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000028283 – Beneficiary : Euroform RFS
Programme Européen : ERASMUS + – Année 2021 – Identification : 2021-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000029626 – Bénéficiaire : KIM
Programme Européen : ERASMUS + – Année 2022 – Identification : 2022-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000085269 – Bénéficiaire : Osengo